Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: $1,300 Electric Santa’s Sleigh


‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for Micah clicking his keyboard and mouse. He was on the hunt for the latest Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week, but was utterly dismayed as his prospects looked so bleak.

But then out of nowhere, what a sight to be seen! An electrically-powered Santa’s sleigh popped up on his screen. “Finally!”, he thought to himself, “something unique and new!” And at just $1,300, it was quite a deal too!

Perfect for the season, an electric Santa’s sleigh will surely do. It’s got charm and cheer, plus looks like more fun than an electric Sea-Doo.

With seating for a couple, there’s a lot to love here. And what could be more festive than a rotomoulded reindeer?

There’s nothing more seasonal than a sleigh powered by Rudolph. Just grab on to the reins and make him shoot off!

Though between you and me, I think the reins might be fake. What was my first clue? Probably the gas pedal and brake.

Ok, so fine. Rudolph’s reins might not be seized by his teeth. Plus those sleigh skids are likely fake too, since there are wheels underneath.

But despite the trickery, it seems like fun on the ice or snow. Don’t believe me? Just check out the vendor’s video below!

The video’s music doesn’t quite seem to match the mood, and the choice is frankly a bit bizarre. But then again so is a jolly fat man breaking into homes from a flying streetcar.

So let’s give the concept a pass, and instead enjoy the technology. This electric Santa’s sleigh is really a creative parts choreography.

The batteries are stored in a “warm-box”, I guess keeping them toasty is the idea. And you know that reindeer is quality, its fur is imported from South Korea.

There’s a wheeled option for land travel, as well as skids for the ice. It’s an all terrain vehicle, even if the handling doesn’t look very precise.

There’s an LED headlight that will light your way as it glows. That’s a nice feature to have, if you run low on carrots to power Rudolph’s nose.

Speaking of power, that comes from an electric motor. It’s an efficient way to propel the North Pole’s most prolific showboater.

Powered by electricity, this Santa’s sleigh emits no smoke or fumes. Instead it delights the senses with a built-in speaker to play some tunes.

There are multiple options for music, and a button for forward and reverse. The sleigh doesn’t look overly powerful, but Rudolph always was a poor substitute for a horse.

There are other animal options though, there’s no need to despair. For some reason you can order your sleigh attached to a polar bear.

Alibaba has always been a great option for the wacky and weird. But a polar bear Santa’s sled surely takes the cake this year.

An electric Santa’s sled would be the ultimate buy for a neighborhood with excessive decorations. There’s always that neighbor whose overindulgent display is the source of aggravations.

So let them have their giant inflatables and enough lights for a landing strip. This year you’ll surely win the game of Christmas decorations brinkmanship.

“I’ll beat them all this year,” you’ll think with a smirk. Because you can actually drive your extravagant decorations to work.

A functional Santa’s sled truly is the best of them all. It’s so practical you’ll still be using it next Fall.

This thing has so much staying power, you’d think its phylum was Tardigrada. You know it’s good, after all it came from Alibaba!

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