Dorries retweet branded ‘dangerous’ by MP as Tory leadership campaign gets nasty


A retweet by Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, showing Rishi Sunak stabbing Boris Johnson in the back, has been branded “dangerous” by a fellow Conservative MP.

Greg Hands, who is backing the former chancellor in the Tory leadership race, told Sky News the social media post was “appalling”, especially after the fatal stabbing of Southend MP Sir David Amess in his constituency last year.

“It is not even a year since the stabbing of Sir David… so I think this is very, very bad taste, dangerous even,” he said.

“I do find it distasteful and I do find it, less than a year after the stabbing of our colleague, in very, very poor taste, even verging on dangerous.”

But an ally of Ms Dorries, who is backing Liz Truss in the leadership race, said: “It’s quite obviously a satirical image of Brutus and Ceasar which has been clearly photoshopped to provide political commentary.

“There were similar cartoons involving [Michael] Gove in 2016. Some people of course will want to be wilfully offended.”

The culture secretary has been a staunch defender of the prime minister, and a fierce critic of those who contributed to his downfall.

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It is not the first time she has caused controversy on social media, tweeting last week about the price of Mr Sunak’s suits, compared to the foreign secretary’s earrings from Claire’s Accessories.

She also wrote a damning piece in Saturday’s Daily Mail, accusing Mr Sunak of “planning a coup for a very long time” and saying she commented on his dress sense to “alert Tory members not to be taken in by appearances in the way that happened to many of us who served with the chancellor in Cabinet”.

Ms Dorries added: “The assassin’s gleaming smile, his gentle voice and even his diminutive stature had many of us well and truly fooled.”

But Mr Hands said the increasingly bitter contest to become the next Tory leader – and prime minister of the UK – needed to be “fought on the issues and on the leadership qualities” of the two candidates, rather than insults.

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