Month: August 2022

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), hailed as the world’s largest and most powerful telescope, has captured some intriguing photos of Jupiter. Apart from powerful winds and giant storms, the new images also feature some magnificent auroras on the gas giant. The pictures offer some intricate details of Jupiter that scientists think may shed more
Russia is planning to launch fresh attacks against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities soon, a US intelligence official has warned. “Given Russia‘s track record in Ukraine, we are concerned about the continued threat that Russian strikes pose to civilians and civilian infrastructure,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. The warning led
Rishi Sunak vowed to make Britain a “science superpower” while Liz Truss pledged to put the West Midlands “at the heart of our economic revival” in their latest policy announcements. The Tory leadership contenders are continuing to set out their visions for the country as the leadership race enters its final fortnight, with the pair
Tesla is dominating the charging experience satisfaction among EV owners, and it’s going to be a problem for charging network operators now that Supercharger is going public. This is a problem that needs to be put in perspective since most electric car charging happens at home. Therefore, public charging issues mainly affect only a small