Alleged sword attacker slashed schoolboy in neck and chased police, court hears


A schoolboy was nearly decapitated when he was attacked by a man wielding a samurai sword, a court has heard.

Marcus Monzo, 36, is accused of murdering Daniel Anjorin, 14, and injuring four others in an attack in Hainault, northeast London, last Tuesday.

The Old Bailey was told Monzo allegedly ran up behind the teenager and slashed him in the neck and chest as he walked to school.

Tom Little, prosecuting, told the court Daniel was “largely decapitated” during the incident.

The cause of death was a “sharp force trauma to the head”, a post-mortem examination found.

Monzo, from Newham in east London, allegedly appeared from a bush and chased police officers as they tried to help Daniel.

He appeared in the dock on Tuesday with four guards during a brief hearing and was told he will face a trial in February.

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He wore a grey tracksuit and spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth. He did not ask for bail and was remanded in custody until another pre-trial hearing in July.

Monzo faces charges of murder, two attempted murders, two of grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary and possession of a bladed article.

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