
She had just come to collect her things.   It was January 2020. Vera Pekhteleva, a 23-year-old university student, had told her boyfriend their relationship was over. She was living elsewhere and had found somebody new. When the grey metal door in a dingy corridor on Kemerovo’s Leningradsky Proskpekt shut behind her, she would not
Three new lifeforms have been discovered in different locations on the International Space Station (ISS), potentially offering researchers a new way to grow food in space. American and Indian scientists have examined four bacterial strains from the station and found that the three belonged to a species previously unknown to science. The rod-shaped bacteria were
The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging countries to continue using the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine – as global medical experts meet to discuss reports of blood clots. UK leaders and medical professionals have joined in their defence of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after some European countries – including Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, France and Sweden
The breadth and depth of human suffering in the Ethiopian region of Tigray is perfectly clear to humanitarian workers, human rights groups and the international diplomatic community. After four months of warfare between Ethiopia’s national defence force and fighters from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), observers are collecting a worrying selection of data. More
Ireland should temporarily halt its use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab after some reports of blood clots in vaccinated people, health authorities say. The call came after a review from the Norwegian Medicines Agency showed four new cases of “serious blood clotting in adults” had occurred after the jab. Ireland’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronan
The Metropolitan Police has launched a preliminary investigation into Asma al Assad, Sky News understands.  The British-born wife of Syrian President Bashar al Assad is accused of supporting and encouraging terrorism. If charged, the Met could seek her extradition. Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers accuses her of being among a number of “influential actors” who